Our customer-focused order process helps to make sure your purchase is completed as smoothly and hassle-free as possible. After you've ordered from Willow we'll take 3 simple steps:
1. If your order is being shipped to Funeral Directors, we'll give them a call to confirm:-
The coffin you have purchased is suitable for the deceased person
Often a persons height and width can vary after death, so we'll double check to make sure your order is appropriate.
The shipping address is correct
Sometimes a deceased person is moved to a mortuary in a different location to your Funeral Director address. We'll call to make sure we're shipping your order to the right place to avoid any last minute confusion.
Your Funeral Director is aware of our delivery.
To avoid an unnecessary missed delivery, we'll confirm your Funeral Director is available for the expected delivery date.
We'll send you an email to let you know when your purchase will be arriving. We normally delivery within 2-3 but will confirm an exact delivery date after your order has been processed.
3. Once you're coffin arrives
Once your coffin arrives please check to make sure the order is as expected within 24hrs, allowing good time for any possible adjustments.
After your order has been delivered, we'll give you a courtesy email to make sure you're happy with the service and to gather any feedback. We'll do our best to make sure you are more than satisfied with your order.